DAY 109 -113/366: APRIL 18 – 22, 2016

April 18: I finally pulled these test tube racks out of storage. apr182016.jpgapr182016no3.jpgapr182016no2.jpg

April 19: Loving this moment I caught between AM & Syd.


April 20: Now with the weather warming up, I think we’re going to start going on these evening walks with AM to help expend her energy. Loving the golden hour!


April 21: Got a new plant this week. String of Pearls. It’s a type of succulent. So excited that I found this plant as it’s so hard to come by!


April 22: This is a view from my 2nd floor looking at my neighbour’s house. There is a cheeky robin making a nest right on their ledge. I took this at about 8am today by 5pm the nest already double in size! LOL.
Progress pictures to follow in the coming days 🙂


DAY 109 -113/366: APRIL 18 – 22, 2016

DAY 102 -108/366: APRIL 11 – 17, 2016

Another week has come and gone. I’m finding it very busy and hard to keep up with all the house chores, personal chores, the kiddies and my husband, OH it’s also tax season. If you’d like to follow me daily – I am fairly good about posting daily on instagram @zurry.

April 11:
Syd’s one month photo (a day late)

Audrey’s hair is finally long enough for these cute pigtails!


April 12:

Syd’s little hands.


April 13:

A row of homes on my stroll today.


April 14:

The best sunlight can be found around dinnertime in the kitchen. Audrey loves to help us cook. Yes.. that’s mac and cheese. Don’t judge us! It’s just so yummy! 🙂 [Annie’s old chedder mac and cheese]


April 15:

Sweet cuddles with Dad.


April 16:
We spent the entire day outside!
We took a trip to the farm to see the lambs.
Then a little trip to the Brickworks and had one of the best dinners here at Cafe Belong.




April 17:

Another gorgeous day means another day spent wandering the city as a family.
Both B and I have never been to this neat park under the highway that runs through Toronto called Underpass Park.


DAY 102 -108/366: APRIL 11 – 17, 2016

Day 94/366: April 03, 2016

I know that you’ll get into arguments and shouting matches and that you will go days without speaking to each other. But I can guarantee that you’ll forgive each other always and love each other unconditionally. That you’ll share in the happiness and help each other through the heartaches. That you’ll have a best friend for life. Love you girls.


Day 94/366: April 03, 2016